Sungmin valuables is pink motorcycle star . Sungmin said it was a gift from a fan when he first birthday when he debut.
Eunhyuk valuables is a pillow with two photographs of him. Eunhyuk said it was a gift from the fans when he debuted, he put it on his bed.
Yesung valuables is a fan made VCD in 2 languages, Japanese and Korean, and contains concert SJ and some SJ activities.
Yesung said that this is a very precious gift and very thankful for the fans.
Donghae personal item is a sapphire blue photo during SuperShow1.
Personal items Shindong is rubix box. Eunhyuk gave it at his birthday.
Ryeowook personal item is a CD of SES. He even said that like the song Tell Me of SES.
Siwon's personal item is a notebook. Leeteuk even opened the book and read it to everyone.
leeteuk's personal item is Elf membercard. Leeteuk said this is a special membership card for SJ, from # 1 to # 13. Leeteuk is no. 1.
Heechul personal items is metal at his feet.